
All summer school lectures, hosted by the Higgs Center for Theoretical Physics in Edinburgh, here.


Stefan Weinzierl, Marcus Spradlin, John Joseph M. Carrasco, Jaroslav Trnka, and Johannes Henn.


The study of scattering amplitudes has developed substantially over the past few years, with applications ranging from precision calculations for the LHC through new approaches to gauge theories and gravity and ending with pure mathematics. The annual meeting Amplitudes 2017 workshop will be hosted by the Higgs Centre between 10-14 July. This present summer school is held in the week preceding the workshop, and it offers an introduction to some of the central topics to be discussed at the workshop. Five lecturers will deliver sets of lectures and tutorials over the full 5 days of 3-7 July.

Student Research Presentations

Jorrit Bosma, Sebastian Mizera, Gustav Mogull, Chia-Hsien Shen, Andrew McLeod, Theresa Abl, Joe Farrow, and Andres Luna-Godoy.